Your Holographic Girlfriend is not here Yet

Your Holographic Girlfriend is not here Yet

If you have watched Blade Runner 2049 then this scene will be familiar.

For those disappointed that she is not here yet, perhaps Midjourney is the mid way point to that goal of the Holographic Girlfriend that looks and feels real.

Until then we will have to do with Midjourney Ai engine prompts and such outputs.

samurai sketch by leonardo da vinci, blueprint, unreal engine, high quality, ultra detailed --q 0.5 --v 4

The results can be stunning and fast.

IT is competent in multiple areas of Art, even architectural drawings.

schematics for building the tiny house 10 feet by 10 feet, blueprints, detailed --q 0.5 --v 4 -

Is any professional occupation safe from such Artificial Intelligence? Graphic Artists and Designers beware. Either you get ahead of the curve or this Tsunami will bury many in the ensuing experiment in controlled chaos.

portal opening space fantasy illustration synthwave style --q 2 --uplight --v

More to come on this Midjourney as we are just starting ours. Stay tuned.

Codex Group